Mech Enterprize Mech Enterprize Co.,Ltd

Company`s information



We will do our best to meet the true needs of our customers.

We are the company which is conducting sales to domestic market and foreign countries with a focus on sales, purchase and leasing of construction and industrial machinery. We think that it is our job and our value to continue maintenance activities for the needs of customers over a long period of time until the delivered machines complete their duties, not just buying and selling machines. Based on this attitude we will continue to grow and aim to develop as a consulting company. We look forward to your continued guidance and encouragement.

Company`s profile

Company`s name Mech Enterprize Co., Ltd
Representative Motofumi Hara President
Company`s location
  • Head Office
    4-1-602 Hiroshibacho,Suita-City,Osaka 564-0052 Japan
    TEL:+81 6 6385 4359 FAX:+81 6 6385 4649
  • Kanto Branch
    2-3-3-302 Shinyokohama Kohokuku Yokohama-City Kanagawa 222-0033 Japan
    TEL:+81 45 595 9618 FAX:+81 45 595 9619
  • Miki Equipment Center
    1251-18 Kasasoukano,Miki-City,Hyogo 673-0723 Japan
    TEL:+81 794 81 1011
  • Ibaraki Equipment Center
    653-1 Izuhara, Ibaraki-City,Osaka 568-0097 Japan
    TEL:+81 72 649 5015
  • Kanto Equipment Center
    3311-42 Kuranami, Sodegaura-City, Chiba 299-0243 Japan
  • 2nd Kanto Equipment Center
    3071-1 Kuranami, Sodegaura-City, Chiba 299-0243 Japan
  • French Office
Dealing bank The Kiyo Bank, Ltd. / Kansai Mirai Bank, Limited /THE SAN-IN GODO BANK,LTD / Mizuho Bank, Ltd. / The Shoko Chukin Bank,Ltd. / The Kita Osaka Shinkin Bank / MUFG Bank, Ltd. / Japan Finance Corporation, JFC / The Nanto Bank,Ltd. / The Senshu Ikeda Bank,Ltd.
Business Construction machinery, industrial machinery, and other various products, new, used equipment`s domestic sales, import and export, construction machinery leasing, construction equipment design and production
Permission number Osaka Prefectural Public Safety Commission No.622031504341
Customers France / Italy / Finland / Ukraine / Singapore / Indonesia / Thailand / Vietnam / Philippines / Sri Lanka / Malaysia / Korea / Taiwan / China / Kazakhstan / etc.


2001 August Mech Enterprize founded as a private company
2002 December Mech Enterprize Llc. establishment
2006 June Changing the organization to Mech Enterprize Co., Ltd
2006 December Opening Ukrainian Representative Office
2008 April Opening Tokyo Sales Office
2008 October Opening Miki Equipment Center
2010 April Opening Wakayama Office
2013 January We are official dealers in Japan of PTC
2015 August Opening Ibaraki Equipment Center
2015 December Tokyo Sales Office reorganized into Tokyo Branch
2018 May Opening French Representative Office
2018 December Opening Kanto Equipment Center
2019 June We are official dealers in Japan of MAIT
2020 June Opening of 2nd Kanto Equipment Center

Strong points of Mech

Human connections, Support, Speed

There are 3 strong points of Mech that help solving the problems thanks to our experience gained during the years: Human connections, Support and Speed.

Human connections, Support, Speed